Aptitude for Placements 2020: Quantitative Aptitude Tricks
Udemy Coupon - Aptitude for Placements 2020: Quantitative Aptitude Tricks, Ace the Aptitude Concepts and Questions with Tricks and Strategies!
- Created by Dr. Kiran Derle
- English
Master your Quantitative Aptitude for Placements, CCAT, GATE General Aptitude and Other Aptitude Backed Exams.
The course is divided as:
1. Concept Videos: Those who want to clear basic concepts can watch these videos, other-wise can directly go to questions and answer videos.
2. Questions and Answers Videos with Tricks: This contains direct video solutions of given questions with tricks and alternate methods.
3. Practice PDFs.: Practice PDFs are given at the end of the particular topic.
3. Mock Placement Questions: Mixed Questions sets are given in the last section - Very Important and Useful!.
The course mainly focuses on Quantitative Aptitude required for cracking Placement Papers of various IT and Core Companies, Job Aptitude Tests like CCAT, GATE General Aptitude and other Aptitude Backed Exams. Questions from all important topics are solved with smarter ways!,
With the wide experience in training for Placement Papers, Dr. Kiran Derle has emphasized on important on relevant topics. Variety of questions are solved with tricks and shortcuts along with traditional methods in some cases.
This is very much useful course designed with systematic way to get the best results.
Who this course is for:
Anyone with willingness to learn aptitude with strong committment