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Julia Programming For Data Science : Hands-on Julia

Udemy Coupon - Julia Programming For Data Science : Hands-on Julia, Learn power of Julia High performace programming for Data Science and Machine Learning with nearly C like Performace

  • HOT & NEW
  • 4.4 (3 ratings)
  • Created by Ankit Mistry
  •  English [Auto-generated]

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Do you like Python, you enjoy writing python code. It's very easy to code in python. But python is slow. So production require very high performance computing.

So we need a language which is easy to work like python and as fast as low level programming language like C.

Julia is the programming language which looks like Python and execute like C.

If you want to learn next generation fast scientific computing language and easy to work with Julia is the right solution for you and you have come at a right place to learn the Julia.

This course mainly focus on data science aspect of Julia. Although I am going to start with Julia introduction installation and major basic concepts related to Julia.

Following topics we are going to cover in this course.

Introduction to Julia and installation

Julia basics number variable send string

Julia collections, dictionary, sets and tuples.

Julia package management system and creating function in Julia
Vector and matrix related operation in Julia

Linear algebra with Julia

Data frame package

And plotting with plots package in Julia

Udemy consider 30 days money back guarantee, so no need to worry about anything.

Get it enrolled in the course.

And I will see you inside the course.

Happy learning

Ankit mistry

Who this course is for:
Anyone who want to learn nextgen Julia language
Anyone who want to learn fast language like c and easy language like python
Any developer who want learn data science with julia
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