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JavaScript for Beginners - The Complete Intro Course [2022]

JavaScript for Beginners - The Complete Intro Course [2022]

JavaScript for Beginners - The Complete Intro Course [2022], Learn Core JavaScript Concepts (Execution Context, Memory, Call Stack, etc.) I Build Projects I No Experience Needed
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What you'll learn
  • Get a mature understanding of what a programming language is
  • What applications and programs are and how they are used
  • Understand “under the hood” workings of how code actually runs on our computer
  • Become an expert in JavaScript (execution context, memory, call stack, and thread of execution)
  • Learn how to diagram and effectively technically communicate through your code
  • Learn the foundational skills from first principles that will better set you up for success in the development world today

  • Any computer with Internet and Chrome or Firefox browsers.
  • No prior programming experience is needed. A basic understanding of JavaScript is a plus, but not a must.
  • No paid software is required.
Welcome to the JavaScript for Beginners course - the most comprehensive beginner course on the most popular programming language used by Software Engineers today, Javascript.

This introductory JavaScript course will be very impactful for you especially if you are early on in your engineering journey.

In this course, you will follow along with other beginner developers as we lead them through the units and will learn a multitude of important concepts starting with what a programming language even is in the first place, and how the internet works giving you a full general picture of the industry to build our knowledge apon.

Then we’re going to move into specific JavaScript concepts like: Variables and Control flow. We’ll learn how we create and store data in our applications and make those applications more dynamic.

We will end the course with Functional Programming and Native Methods, like the Array Push Method and the Object Keys Method which are important built-in features of the language that will be vital to your understanding of becoming an engineer.

You will get access to over 16 hours of instruction, coding challenges, pair programming, and diagramming Javascript code under the hood. We will dig into truly understanding these concepts at a deep level so you can grasp not only how JavaScript works under the hood, but also allow you draw parallels to how other programming languages work and why, making you an even more versatile and adaptive Software Engineer.

In addition to this, you'll get the support you need from mentors and your peers in our CSX Slack community. A community of over 10,000 beginner and experienced engineers from all over the world who will challenge you and be there to help push you through the tough engineering blocks and help you to achieve your dream career in tech.

By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge that you need in order to accelerate your future in Software Engineering.

Who this course is for:
  • This course is for anyone who wants to learn about programming, regardless of previous experience. It's perfect for complete beginners with no JavaScript or coding experience as well as for anyone who does have some familiarity with JavaScript concepts.
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