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Learn Micronaut - cloud native microservices with Java

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Learn Micronaut - cloud native microservices with Java

Learn Micronaut - cloud native microservices with Java - 
Micronaut is a modern, full-stack framework for the cloud which can run natively on GraalVM

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What you'll learn
  • Learn how to use the Micronaut Framework
  • Build a REST API
  • Micronaut Data Hibernate & JDBC
  • Integrate OpenAPI and Swagger
  • Messaging with Micronaut and Kafka
  • Using Web Sockets with Micronaut
  • Micronaut Security with JSON Web Tokens
  • Integration Testing with TestContainers
  • Run your Micronaut application on GraalVM
  • Unit Testing with Micronaut

  • Be able to read and understand Java
  • Know how to work with Docker
  • Beneficial: Know how annotation processing works
  • Desire to learn while having fun!
--- The course is being updated to Micronaut Version 3 ---

Micronaut Version 3 Updates are released Section by Section. Duplicated Sections are marked accordingly and when all the content is up to date, then the old version will be removed.


Most of the web applications operate in the cloud. Popular frameworks adapted and tried to make it easy. Micronaut was built to be cloud-native and offers:

Launcher to get easily started

Improved startup times & Minimal memory footprint

No Reflection Usage -> GraalVM support

Reactive non-blocking Http Server

Fast and easy testing

Messaging Integrations

Database Access made easy with Micronaut Data

Micronaut Integrations with MongoDB, Redis, ElasticSearch ...

Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.

You will be surprise how fast cloud-native applications can be built with Micronaut. The course starts with the basics and moves on to more and more details from section to section.

Upcoming lectures:

More content on using GraalVM

The course covers currently:

Dependency Injection
Application Configuration

Lombok Integration

Creating REST APIs & using Open API / Swagger

Custom REST API Clients

JWT Auth, JDBC Auth

Micronaut Data Access using PostgreSQL & MySQL

Messaging with Apache Kafka

Using Web Sockets

Building GraalVM native Images

How to use Integrations like Redis, MongoDB, ElasticSearch

and a lot more to come!

If you want to see specific content please drop me a message to prioritise it. My goal is to make the course a place where you have all you need to know to become a Micronaut Expert!

About the instructor:

Daniel is a senior software engineer and developed multiple web applications serving millions of users. He started as full stack developer and was able to gain experience for frontend and backend development.

He found his passion in developing highly scalable applications. Currently he works as a senior software engineer on a fin-tech platform that is used by more than three million users (2022). He advanced into a role as Technical Lead and offers his knowledge to his colleagues. The fin-tech platform utilises Technologies such as Apache Kafka, Java (Vert.x & Micronaut), PostgreSQL and AWS and consists of multiple Microservices.

Who this course is for:
  • Software Engineers looking for the next generation java framework
  • Software Engineers building microservices with Java
  • Software Engineers building services for the Cloud

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