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React Development Masterclass: Build 30 Powerful Projects

React Development Masterclass: Build 30 Powerful Projects

Online Courses Udemy - 
React Development Masterclass: Build 30 Powerful Projects, Learn React Programming: Web Applications Development Using Socket, REST APIs, Firebase, Hooks, Bootstrap, React.js

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What you'll learn
  • Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web app
  • See the step-by-step process of designing and assembling an project
  • Learn and understand what is React and how it works
  • Manage a project using a package-based architecture

To get started with any framework you need to understand what all files you need to install. With React you don’t need to worry about this. React will install all the files required for you to get started with a single command. It will have all the necessary packages installed and you can start rendering and building your project at once.

Approach: React projects can be easily created using create-react-app CLI. Let us create a React project using create-react-app CLI.


It helps you to create and configure React project in smooth and easy manner . An easy to start developing your project.

Project is structured by default. All the components changes will be done in source folder. Node modules have separate folder with dependencies mentioned in package. Json file.

React-scripts package is pre-installed which has Babel and Webpack configuration for you to run and deploy your project easily. A default view is set up for you to get started building your components .

Compiler ,Build and Test environment is set up using this command. For testing @testing-library/jest-dom and @testing-library/react is already installed and you can run tests for your project.

React is an open-source JavaScript library that helps you build user interfaces. It's a component-based, declarative, "learn once and write anywhere" tool.

With 164K+ GitHub stars, 30K+ forks, and close to ~10 million weekly downloads, React is undoubtedly a great user interface library to learn and use.

In This Course Learn React Programming Practically, Develop Real World Web Applications Using Socket, REST APIs, Firebase, React Hooks, Bootstrap, React.js, Webpack , HTML5 , CSS3 , React- Router.

React js developer: salaries per region

New York -$142,350

Georgia -$135,000

New Jersey -$131,625

California -$130,000

Illinois -$126,750

Arizona -$121,875

Texas -$117,000

In This Course, We Are Going To Work On 30 Real World Projects Listed Below:

Project-1: Food Ordering Web Application - React.Js, Material-Ui, React Router, Css

Project-2: Weather Web Application Using Api - React.Js, Open Weather Api, Css

Project-3: Food Recipe Application - React.Js, Edamam Api, Firebase For Hosting, Css

Project-4: Expense Tracker Application - React.Js, Context Api, Css

Project-5: Colour Generator Application - React.Js, Values.Js, React-Hooks, Css

Project-6: My Cart Application - React.Js, React-Hooks, External Api, Css

Project-7: Cafe Menu Application - React.Js, React-Hooks , Firebase, Css

Project-8: Cocktail Hub Web Application - React.Js, React-Hooks, External Api, Context Api, Css
Project-9: Notes - Google Keep Clone - React.Js, Material-Ui, Css For Styling

Project-10: Review Posting Application - React.Js, Material-Ui, Css, Nanoid

Project-11: Pomodoro Application - React.Js, React Countdown Timer Npm Package, Css

Project-12: Google Search Application Using Api - React.Js, Tailwind Css, Google Search Api, React Router Dom, React Player--

Project-13: E-Commerce (Amazon Clone) - React, React-Context-Api, Firebase

Project-14: Chat Application - React, React Chatengine, Socket, Rest Apis

Project-15: Movies Application (Ott) - React, Omdb Api, React Hooks, Bootstrap

Project-16: Video Sharing Website - React, Youtube Api, Material-Ui, Axios

Project-17: Todolist Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management

Project-18: Blog Website - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, Gnews Api

Project-19: Social Networking Website - Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management, Google Oauth, Security And Authentication

Project-20: Resume Website (Portfolio) - React, Material-Ui, React Hooks, State Management--

Project-21: Random Person App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3

Project-22: A Birth Date Reminder App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3

Project-23: Tours Project Made With Reactjs - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3

Project-24: An Emoji Search Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3

Project-25: An Expense Tracker Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3, React Context

Project-26: A Color Generators App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css3

Project-27: A Breaking Bad Character Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss, React Context

Project-28: A Random Quote Generator Application Made With React And Deployed On Heroku

Project-29: A Password Generator Application Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Css

Project-30: A Quiz App Made With React - React, Reactdom, Html5, Scss

The Only Course You Need To Become A React Developer, Get Hired And Start A New Career

Note (Read This): This Course Is Worth Of Your Time And Money, Enroll Now Before Offer Expires.

Who this course is for:
  • Beginners In React
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