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PHP Practice Test From Begging to Advanced Level

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PHP Practice Test From Begging to Advanced Level - 
Step By Step Test your PHP Knowledge and Become Expert in PHP.
  • New
  • Created by Maitrik Thakkar
  • English

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Introduction of PHP:
                      The term PHP is an acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. It is open-source which means it is free to download and use. It is very simple to learn and use. The files have the extension “. php”.
Rasmus Lerdorf inspired the first version of PHP and participating in the later versions. It is an interpreted language and it does not require a compiler.
PHP code is executed in the server.
It can be integrated with many databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Informix.
It is powerful to hold a content management system like WordPress and can be used to control user access.
It supports main protocols like HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, IMAP, FTP, and others.
One of the main reasons behind this is that PHP can be easily embedded in HTML files and HTML codes can also be written in a PHP file.
The thing that differentiates PHP from the client-side language like HTML is, PHP codes are executed on the server whereas HTML codes are directly rendered on the browser. PHP codes are first executed on the server and then the result is returned to the browser.
The only information that the client or browser knows is the result returned after executing the PHP script on the server and not the actual PHP codes present in the PHP file. Also, PHP files can support other client-side scripting languages like CSS and JavaScript.
Course Highlights:
140+ MCQ & Answers in PHP with explanations
Every MCQ set focuses on specific topic in PHP Subject
These topics are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best books on PHP programming language
Detail about Test:
Practice Test 1:  Basic Question. --- 30 MCQ
Practice Test 2: String and functions --- 30 MCQ
Practice Test 3: Loops and arrays  --- 30 MCQ
Practice Test 4: Regex and timestamp. --- 20 MCQ
Practice Test 5: OOPS and Advanced Concepts --- 30 MCQ
Who this course is for:

  • Begginer to Advance level PHP Developer or who wants to practice of PHP

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