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Turn based strategy game development, Unity Engine

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Turn based strategy game development, Unity Engine - 
Unity 3D, C#, Pathfinding, AI, Design Patterns, Game Architecture and much more
  • Created by Ilnar Farkhutdinov (Smart Games Development)
  • English [Auto]

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What you'll learn

  • Unity, Development of a tactical turn-based game, C#, pathfinding, AI
  • If you are tired of platform games then this is the course for you. You will learn how to work with Unity and create strategy games

We all remember and love the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Tactical combat is the pinnacle of smart fighting games. Anyone can create a game from scratch. We are going to prove this together.  This course is about IDEAS, С sharp and Unity3D. All This will save your TIME. 
Create something serious from scratch.
Unity 2019. With some upgrades to 2020
The topics covered:
How to find available positions?
How to move hero avoiding obstacles?
How how to distinguish between allies and enemies?
How to distinguish between deserts, swamps and grass?
How to manage scripts?
How to define the Optimal Path?
How to visualize the damage?
How to create a ranged attack?
How does the enemy AI make a decision?
How to manage turns and rounds?
How to place allied regiments?
How to make a flying hero fly over water and mountains?
Unity and c# topics
Basics of OOP
Else-If Statements, Loops
Variables, Properties and Types
Classes and Objects
Canvas and Images, anchors and screen resolution
Sprite Renderer, Transform, Rect Transform Components
Particle Systems
Arrays and Lists, multi-dimensional array, jagged array
Abstract classes
Scriptable Objects
Design Patterns
Artificial Intelligence
Code architecture
Optimal path
Scrollable Storage
Rounds and Turns
C# Methods, ref, out, in
Sprite Renderer
The course is good for those who want to create the game structure using interfaces. The course will be updated frequently for additional ideas.
PS.  You also will get more than 20 isometric hexagon sprites and bonus ideas:)
Who this course is for:

  • Beginners and professionals in game development

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