Learn C# With Windows Forms and SQL Server
- Created by A O
- English [Auto]
What you'll learn
- Create and runs Windows Forms applications
- Understand blocks of code, curly braces, comments
- Understand how to use string interpolation, and add new line characters
- Understand how to represent changing quantities with variables
- Understand how to use += and = operators
- Create and use objects like labels and their properties like Text
- Explain the meaning of a keyword
- Use several different data types like boolean, decimal, string and others
- Understand methods and how to use method chaining
- Use methods that convert values to numerical form for mathematical operations
- Read and operate on decimal data types
- Round calculation results and display formatted output
- Understand how to control the order of operations for mathematical symbols
- Control the layout of various control on a form
- Learn how to work with rich text boxes, and place variables in the right place to achieve certain effects
- Learn how to work with radio buttons, index variables and while loops that count up and count down
- Learn how to use foreach loops to repeat blocks of code
- Learn how to combine loops and if blocks to create powerful code
- Learn how to work with combo boxes, and the ternary operator to make decisions
- Learn about operators, operands, and how to combine them properly
- Learn how logical conditions are used to perform a variety of checks on operands
- Use the TryParse method to create stable applications that do not crash
- Use the Date time constructs to read and produce dates in a variety of formats
- Use various compound operators like /=, -= and the trackbar control
- Use date time pickers, and date time objects to make decisions
- Learn how to use tool tips, switch blocks, check list boxes
- Create methods using traditional and expression bodied member notation
- Understand the concept of a parameter and a return value
- Understand how to work with numeric up/down controls, and class files
- Understand how the private and public access modifiers matter and why static classes are needed
- Work with folder browsers, control enabling and disabling
- Learn how to use arrays, directories and foreach loops with arrays
- Understand how to work with collections and the datagridview control
- Work with lists to find the maximum, minimum, average and sum of list entries
- Work with arrays and convert arrays to lists
- Learn how to use the out keyword to create methods that can set multiple values so the methods are more useful
- Learn how to save files, and use try/catch blocks to create stable code
- Learn how to open files, and work with menu strips
- Learn how to search for, highlight and replace text
- Learn how to use font boxes, print preview controls and add ability to print
- Describe name spaces, classes, the major components of a Windows Forms project
- Learn how to create multiple document interface programs with multiple layouts
- Learn how to get and install SQL server and the management console
- Learn how to work with different database types in SQL server
- Learn how to use datagrid views, data adapters, data tables and basic SQL queries
- Learn how to insert records into tables
- Learn how different data types in SQL work
- Learn how to use the using statement and parameters
- Learn how to work with collections, binding sources, data updates
- Learn how to perform searches of data
- Learn how to save images and preview enlarged images
- Learn how to work with microsoft excel in code
- Learn how to export information from our program to excel using nested for loops
- Learn how to write records to a text file
- Learn how to export data to Microsoft word
- Learn how to download and save internet files using different methods
8/3/2020: Replaced video 60 on exporting to Excel to clarify or improve some subtle technical details.
8/8/2020: Added video 63 on how to work with the identity_cache in SQL Server to avoid identity gaps
Thank you for stopping by.
Most important: Before enrolling, please take the time to read the course curriculum, and watch the free preview videos so you can be sure my way of presenting information is one that truly works for you. This will give you a strong indication of what to expect throughout the course. Please kindly do not enroll until you have done this. Also, please remember that I am only one person, and I cannot as one person think of everything that you might want covered. If that's the case, please send me a message and tell me what you feel should be added. Thank you.
Lessons 2-39: Introduction to C# as a review for those who are new to programming in C# or are coming from a different language.
This is not meant to be exhaustive but to simply prepare you for the database project.
It's a review of basic programming concepts.
Lessons 40-45: Text editor project to illustrate more advanced coding.
This project show more practical applications of C#.
Lessons 46-62: Variety of advanced techniques used in building a database project.
Here you learn how to combine C# and SQL Server.
The code in these lessons gets quite sophisticated.
Make sure you have MS Office installed for this part or you will not be able to complete the project.
If you're going to use the code as saved on GitHub for this part, it will be more challenging to configure than the code for the simple lessons.
Make sure you look under lesson resources when you do this project. There are updates stored there.
Lessons 63-66: Miscellaneous small projects that show a variety of possibilities with C#.
It's important that you type and run all the code, as I do. To take it one step further, simply ask and answer this question: how can I make one meaningful modification to the code to produce a new effect? Consistently asking and answering this question as you watch the videos will allow you to improve your skills beyond what I show you.
Please note I develop the material at a relatively leisurely rate, so if I speak too slowly, please watch the videos at 1.25x.
I'm the author of "Beginning C# Hands-On The Core Language" and "C# Hands-On The Advanced Features", both from PACKT.
Each video is in HD, and project files can be downloaded from GitHub. The link needed is stored under lesson resources. Thank you for reading, and let's get coding!
Parts of promo video PowerPoint licensed from PresenterMedia.
Who this course is for:
- This is a good course for those who want to learn C# through Windows Forms.
- This is not a course for those who want to learn C# through Console Applications
- This is a course for those interested in database projects.
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