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Unreal Engine C++ The Ultimate Shooter Course


Unreal Engine C++ The Ultimate Shooter Course - 
**345+ videos - upload in progress** Master Unreal Engine by creating a complete shooter game!
  • Highest Rated
  • Created by Stephen Ulibarri
  • English [Auto]

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What you'll learn

  • Learn all skills that translate to Unreal Engine 5!
  • Learn Unreal Engine game development by creating a complete shooter game.
  • Get in-depth experience with Unreal Engine Animation, Materials, Special Effects, and gameplay!
  • Learn Unreal Engine's code base.

The course is compatible with any version of Unreal Engine, including Unreal Engine 5!
NOTE: 345+ videos are still in the process of being mastered and uploaded.
This is the most comprehensive Unreal Engine tutorial series on the internet. You will create a shooter game complete with AAA quality gameplay mechanics. Learn the theory behind the gameplay mechanics of shooter games, then implement them in this beautiful game project. Topics covered are:
Character creation and movement
Input for PC and console controllers
Extensive use of Animation Blueprints (and Anim Instances, their C++ parents)
1D and 2D Blendspaces
Aim Offsets
Inverse Kinematics
Animation Curves
Character lean when running
Crouching (with dynamic capsule resizing)
Turn hips while running
Weapon fire with recoil animations
Weapon blast and impact particles
Weapon beam particles (smoke trails)
Bullet shell eject particles
Sound effects
Blending animations per bone, by bool, and by enum - play one animation with one part of the body (running or crouching) while simultaneously playing another animation with another part of the body (reload, aim, or weapon fire)
Attach and equip different weapons (pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles)
Automatic and semi-automatic gunfire
Move different gun parts (the clip/magazine, and pistol slide) during animations
Camera zoom while aiming
Dynamic crosshairs that spread in reaction to:
Character speed
Weapon fire
Different crosshairs per weapon
Widget components, showing:
Item names
Item types
Ammo counts
Item rarity
HUD animations
Full item inventory system
Data tables, in Blueprints and C++
Curves to control:
Item movement during pickup
Color and brightness pulse for material effects
Material creation, including:
Post-process materials
Dynamic material instances
Setting material properties from C++
Driving material properties with curves
Material functions
Blending materials together
Outline effects
Glow/pulse effects
Retargeting animations
Retargeting whole Animation Blueprints
Numerous gameplay algorithms
Use of data structures, including:
and more
Animation montages
Anim Notifies for sounds, weapon trails, and custom notifies
Sync markers for footsteps and sync groups
The course comes with a huge amount of assets, including:
Particle effects
Dynamic footsteps that spawn different sounds and particle systems depending on the surface type
Physical materials and surface types
Niagra particle systems
Line traces
Enemy AI
Behavior Trees and Blackboard Components
Multiple enemy types with varying levels of Health, Damage, Size and Movement Speed
Headshot damage, with:
Higher damage for headshots
Number widgets that pop up and animate with bullet hits
Different colored numbers for headshots
Character and enemy health bars
Enemy patrol, agro, chase and attack player
Death mechanics
Stun mechanics
Melee attacks with melee weapon trails
Explosives that cause damage and death
Level prototyping
Creating full levels based on our prototypes using professional assets
Light baking
Post-process effects
Who this course is for:

  • Unreal Engine beginners who understand the basics of C++.
  • Unreal Engine intermediate developers who wish to advance in skill level.
  • Expert Unreal Engine developers to wish to expand their skillset.
  • Those who wish to make shooter games.
  • Anyone who wants to have fun and make games!

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