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The Complete Python Course in the Professional OOP Approach


Udemy Coupon - The Complete Python Course in the Professional OOP Approach, The easiest way to learn Python in-depth and build complex, scalable programs! Includes 10 real-world Python projects!
  • Hot & New
  • Created by Ardit Sulce
  • English [Auto]

What you'll learn

  • Complete Python starting from zero!
  • Become a professional Python programmer able to program using the ultimate OOP approach!
  • Learn how to plan your Python programs before writing them!
  • Learn to write highly a organized modular code!
  • Learn to create professional real-world programs in Python!
  • Create 10 actual real-world Python applications!
  • Learn and apply proper design principles when programming in Python!
  • Learn to troubleshoot code issues using debuggers!
  • Learn to use Git to track your code changes!
  • Get a deep understanding of how Python works under the hood!
  • Create weather forecast webmaps with Python!
  • Generate PDF reports!
  • Create and manipulate images!
  • Control the computer and mobile camera!
  • Take photos from the computer or the mobile camera with Python and upload them to cloud services!
  • Build interactive web apps!
  • Send daily news by email and schedule automatic emails!
  • Build REST APIs!
  • Work with SQL databases!
  • Collect data via web scraping!
  • Learn to create desktop GUI programs!
  • Learn to create mobile apps!
  • Learn advanced core Python concepts such as class methods, static methods, abstract classes, etc.!
  • Learn code refactoring!
  • Learn the PEP8 Style Guide for Python code!
  • Learn to create Python packages!

What will you achieve with this course?
You will become a Python programmer if you complete this course. No matter your educational background or IQ, you will master Python because here, you will not learn Python by rote memorization but by actively problem-solving towards the tangible goal of creating real-world programs. Learning by doing is the most natural way to gain skills. Therefore, everyone can do it.
You will learn every Python concept, from the basic ones to the very advanced, by building real-world applications, so you not only learn how to use a Python component but also learn why and when to use it. In the course, you will build ten real-world programs in the object-oriented programming (OOP) way. You will build some of them with the instructor and others on your own.
Unlike other courses, this course also covers all the necessary tools and techniques that you need to become a professional Python programmer. These are Git and GitHub, debuggers, software design principles, writing highly organized code, code planning, code refactoring, SQL databases, and more.
You will have a lot of fun taking this course learning practical how-tos such as generating PDF reports with Python, controlling the computer and the mobile camera, taking photos with Python, creating web maps, processing images, web scraping, sending and scheduling automated emails, creating interactive web apps, building REST APIs, and even creating your own weather forecast Python package. This course is the most complete Python learning package you will find out there!
What is the OOP approach of programming that this course covers?
There are three approaches or paradigms to program with Python. They are the procedural, functional, and object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigms.
The OOP paradigm is the only one that will give you the skills to write clean and highly organized code, allowing you to easily plan and create sophisticated Python programs. Once you learn Python the OOP way, creating programs will be very easy, and this course will show how.
Even though you can write any Python program in any of the three paradigms, writing programs that are more than simple scripts in the functional or procedural paradigms will bite you back once the program starts to get larger. Therefore, the OOP paradigm is the paradigm that professional programmers use to make real-world applications. Moreover, when you learn OOP, you will naturally know the other two paradigms since OOP engulfs them.
In the course, you will learn a secret to plan and write any Python program easily, and that is only possible when you use OOP. All popular Python libraries and frameworks are written in the OOP paradigm, and to understand how they work, you need to understand OOP. So, if you want to go beyond making simple Python scripts, you need to learn Python the OOP way, and this course will teach you that.
Who should take this course?
Whether you are learning Python to automate tasks, data science, or web development, this course will teach you core Python thoroughly so you can easily apply your Python skills to any Python branch or industry field.
If your goal is to make simple throwaway one-time Python scripts, taking only the first half of the course would be more than enough. However, if you want to become a full-time programmer, you will need to take the entire course to learn the very advanced concepts, which are covered throughout the second half.
Do I need to know some Python already to take this course?
No. We designed this course for both absolute and non-absolute beginners. However, if you are an intermediate who knows Python well, you may still benefit from the course because it covers some advanced Python and programming concepts that you will hardly find anywhere else. Advanced concepts, such as abstract classes, class methods, composition, refactoring, etc., will be comprehensively covered and practiced in the course.
Do I need previous experience with other programming languages to take this course?
No. In fact, in this course, you will not merely learn Python syntax. You will understand Python from the inside-out from the computer science perspective so that you will have a deeper understanding of how programming works.
I know some Python already. Will this course benefit me?
Yes. This is a huge course that does not only cover Python basics but also teaches you Python programming at an advanced level using object-oriented programming.
Why is this a professional course?
In this course, we will guide you through the entire process of software development, from planning a Python program to writing it, testing it, and deploying it. The programs we will build are not just one-time scripts but real applications that can be reused and scaled. We achieve that by building programs in the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm.
Moreover, in the course, you will learn to use professional programmer's tools and techniques such as Git, debuggers, software design principles, code refactoring, proper code styling according to PEP8, and more. That will make you a real professional.
Why should I trust the instructor?
I have 5-years' experience in online teaching. I am the author of one of the most popular Python courses, with over 200,000 students - The Python Mega Course. I have taught and talked to so many students and I know all of the ins and outs of succeeding in learning Python through an online course. This course is my best so far, and it is built upon tests and failures throughout my career as an online teacher, and I think I could not make it more perfect. I have dedicated a tremendous amount of time to designing and implementing this course. You can take advantage of all of that by taking this course.
There are more popular courses out there. Why should I take this one?
This course does not have enough reviews yet because we only launched it in January 2021. Other courses have been on Udemy for years. Give this course a try. You will love it!
Why not learn Python from YouTube?
It is possible to find good tutorials on YouTube. However, the course creator's dedication and time investment putting on a quality Udemy course by the course creator are way more significant than that putting on YouTube videos. Moreover, a Udemy course does not only consist of videos; it is a complete learning package packed with exercises, quizzes, text-based resources, associated file resources, and even daily support from instructors in case of code issues. Moreover, YouTube tutorials are geared more towards learning how to do something. A Udemy course such as this targets a much greater goal of making you a programmer by offering a complete learning experience.
Who this course is for:

Absolute Beginners
Non-Absolute Beginners

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