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Access VBA: The Beginner's Blueprint to Programming Access


Udemy Coupon - Access VBA: The Beginner's Blueprint to Programming Access, To Learn Visual Basic for Applications & Do More with Your Databases, Program Them with the Tools Found in This Course!
  • Created by IsáBel .
  • English [Auto]


In This Course You Get:
Free Downloadable Databases - makes it easy to follow along & practice after class.
"Test Your Skills" - exercises to get you engaged & reinforce what you have learned.
Code - in the Resources section of the lectures where applicable.
Access VBA Glossary - talk the talk

Choose Access VBA when...
Simple tables,  forms, or reports  just won't do. ..
When Macros aren't quite enough. ..
And when creating your own applications from scratch is overkill. 
Are you experienced with Access, but not with VBA programming? 
This course introduces VBA programming concepts with easy to follow examples, and lessons.
First, you will learn the difference between Macros and VBA, and create a simple Macro.
Then you will get familiar with the Visual Basic Editor, your home for programming Access, and basic concepts of Visual Basic for Applications.
During this course you will learn VBA concepts that you can apply to your job, and add functionality to your Access databases:
Get comfortable with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
Learn the essentials of writing VBA code
Learn about the powerful DoCmd object
Create branching decision structures
Create user interactions forms, like message boxes, and input boxes
DAO recordsets
Debug your code, and handle errors
What to know before you enroll:
You will have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!
You will have instant, and free access to any updates I add to the course.
Don't forget, you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee.
Get started programming VBA for your Access databases today.
Who this course is for:

The Beginning Access VBA Programmer
Programmers of other languages that would like a good tutorial
Anyone who is responsible for working with Access databases
Anyone wanting to know more about Access VBA

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