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Data Visualization with R and ggplot2

Description Today we live in a world where tons of data is generated every second. We need to analyze data to get some useful insight. One of the strongest weapons for data insight is data visualization. Probably you have heard this one before: "A picture tells more than a thousand words combined ". Therefore to tell stories from the data we need tools for producing adequate and amazing graphics.  Here R as one of the most rapidly growing tools in the fields of data science and statistics provides needed assistance. If you combine R with its library ggplot2  you get one of the deadliest tools for data visualization, which grows every day and is freely accessible to anyone.    This course is designed to first give you quick and proper theoretical foundations for creating statistical plots. Then you dive into the world of exploratory data analysis where you are confronted with different datasets and creating a wide variety of statistical plots.    If you take this course, you will learn a ton of new things.  Here are just a few topics you will be engaged with:  The grammar of graphics (the idea behind statistical plots, the foundation of ggplot2)  Data transformation with dplyr and tidyr (crash course included)  Exploratory data analysis (EDA) (statistical plots for exploring one continuous or one discrete variable)  EDA for exploring two or more variables (different statistical plots)  Combine ggplot2 with RMarkdown to wrap up your analysis and produce HTML reports  Create some additional types of plots by combining ggplot2 and supplementary libraries (word cloud, parallel coordinates plot, heat map, radar plot, ...)  Draw maps to show the spread of coronavirus disease  Customize the plot's theme  Create subplots using cowplot library  Highlight data on your plot with gghighlight library  and much more...    Course includes:  over 20 hours of lecture videos,  R scripts and additional data (provided in the course material),  engagement with assignments, where you have to test your skills,  assignments walkthrough videos (where you can check your results).  All being said this makes one of Udemy's most comprehensive courses for data visualization using R and ggplot2.    Enroll today and become the master of data visualization!!!    Who this course is for: Anyone who is interested in data analysis or data visualization Aspiring data scientists, statisticians or data (business) analysts Anyone who would like to impress his/her boss or coworkers with amazing data visualizations Anyone whose job, research or hobby is related to visualizing data Anyone whose work is related with data presentation or extracting insights from the data Students working with data
Udemy Coupon - Data Visualization with R and ggplot2, R Programming Language for Data Visualization. GGplot2, Data Analysis, Data Preparation, Data Sciene Tools, RStudio

  • HOT & NEW
  • Created by Marko Intihar
  •  English [Auto-generated]

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Today we live in a world where tons of data is generated every second. We need to analyze data to get some useful insight. One of the strongest weapons for data insight is data visualization. Probably you have heard this one before: "A picture tells more than a thousand words combined ". Therefore to tell stories from the data we need tools for producing adequate and amazing graphics.  Here R as one of the most rapidly growing tools in the fields of data science and statistics provides needed assistance. If you combine R with its library ggplot2  you get one of the deadliest tools for data visualization, which grows every day and is freely accessible to anyone.

This course is designed to first give you quick and proper theoretical foundations for creating statistical plots. Then you dive into the world of exploratory data analysis where you are confronted with different datasets and creating a wide variety of statistical plots.

If you take this course, you will learn a ton of new things.  Here are just a few topics you will be engaged with:

The grammar of graphics (the idea behind statistical plots, the foundation of ggplot2)

Data transformation with dplyr and tidyr (crash course included)

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) (statistical plots for exploring one continuous or one discrete variable)

EDA for exploring two or more variables (different statistical plots)

Combine ggplot2 with RMarkdown to wrap up your analysis and produce HTML reports

Create some additional types of plots by combining ggplot2 and supplementary libraries (word cloud, parallel coordinates plot, heat map, radar plot, ...)

Draw maps to show the spread of coronavirus disease

Customize the plot's theme

Create subplots using cowplot library

Highlight data on your plot with gghighlight library

and much more...

Course includes:

over 20 hours of lecture videos,

R scripts and additional data (provided in the course material),

engagement with assignments, where you have to test your skills,

assignments walkthrough videos (where you can check your results).

All being said this makes one of Udemy's most comprehensive courses for data visualization using R and ggplot2.

Enroll today and become the master of data visualization!!!

Who this course is for:
Anyone who is interested in data analysis or data visualization
Aspiring data scientists, statisticians or data (business) analysts
Anyone who would like to impress his/her boss or coworkers with amazing data visualizations
Anyone whose job, research or hobby is related to visualizing data
Anyone whose work is related with data presentation or extracting insights from the data
Students working with data

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