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Palo Alto Firewalls Configuration By Example - PCNSE Prep

Palo Alto Firewalls Configuration By Example - PCNSE Prep
Udemy Coupon - Palo Alto Firewalls Configuration By Example - PCNSE Prep
Deep dive in Policies and Network Configuration of PaloAlto Firewalls by example

  • 4.4 (1,857 ratings)
  • Created by Infini Tech
  •  English

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PaloAlto firewalls are true Next Generation firewalls built from the ground up to address legacy firewalls issues. It is the first firewall platform to make decisions based on applications not just ports and protocols. The PCNSE exam requires deep understanding of the topics. Exam dumps is not the way to go. You need to practice  the concepts and be clear on how to configure this feature rich firewall platform. You need to study the concepts. This class guide you through the configuration of different features and how to practice on AWS and Unetlab. This class covers many topics required for PCNSE7 or PCNSE8 and new topics are added frequently.

This course dives deeper into Palo Alto firewalls policies and network configuration to give the students a clear understanding on several topics. Topics covered include Security Policies configuration, SSL Decryption, Routing configuration, IPsec configuration, IPv6 configuration, High Availability configuration, QoS and other real world 
configuration examples.

This online class will help in preparing the student for the PCNSE certification by covering topics in the depth that Palo Alto expects the candidates to know.

There are no materials included with this class.
Students are expected to have understanding of network terminology and be familiar with stateful firewall concepts, network address translation and routing protocols.

There are a lot of topics covered, please click on show full curriculum to see the topics covered.

You get a certificate of completion after you complete this class

Who this course is for:
This Class is Suited for students who want to get deeper understanding on configuration Palo Alto Firewalls
This class is for students who want to see PaloAlto firewalls configuration examples

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