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Master ASP.NET Core 2.2 Razor Pages

Free Discount - Master ASP.NET Core 2.2 Razor Pages, Learn the latest buzz around Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core 2.2 from beginner to advance concepts

4.4 (271 ratings), Created by Bhrugen Patel,  English [Auto-generated]


This is an complete course on ASP.NET Core 2.2 using Razor Pages that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is new to core 2.2 or who is familiar with ASP.NET MVC and wants to take a first stab at understanding what is different in core 2.2. From there we would be building multiple projects to understand all concepts in ASP.NET Core 2.2

Are you interested about learning the most latest framework Microsoft has introduced? Not just that long with that also use the most recent introduction to their stack? If so then this is the correct course!

 ASP.NET Core and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.
We would then take a look at new concepts in ASP.NET Core 2.2

We would build CRUD Operations application with EF and use Razor Pages for the first project

Finally we would build a Auto Shop website where admin can enter service records for their customers and customers can view all the service history.