Complete Beginner's Guide to Digital Art
Free Discount - Complete Beginner's Guide to Digital Art, Master the foundations of digital drawing and illustration and create art like a pro, 4.3 (2,557 ratings), Created by Rich Graysonn, English [Auto-generated], Indonesian [Auto-generated], 5 more
UPDATE November 2018 : New section on Intro to Digital Perspective Tools
UPDATE 3/07/18
New: Q&A Section
New: Student critique videos
UPDATE 1/18/18
***New section for first time tablet users . This section is geared towards students who just purchased their first graphics tablet. It also includes additional tablet specific exercises.***
This is an introduction to not only "Digital art" but art in general. In this very in-depth course you will start from novice and or hobbyist and end with the mentality and skills of a professional. I cannot promise you work as no one can. But the skills you acquire here will enhance not only your own work but give you a solid base to in any other online course or book etc. There is no "Quick fix" or Short cuts to making great art. It requires work. It's fun work and I'm going to show you a method that will make creating your own art or a clients work "pain free".
You will learn solid techniques to make amazing art
You will be able to think like an artist and be a problem solver
This is for those that are serious about improving art
You will need some sort of drawing tablet (Wacom etc) or computer tablet (ex..Ipad , galaxy etc)
Keep and open mind and there is no time limit , work at your own pace.
I hope you will join me and allow me to be your professional guide on your art journey.
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