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Build an app with React, Redux and Firestore from scratch

Build an app with React, Redux and Firestore from scratch
Build an app with React, Redux and Firestore from scratch Free Udemy Coupon, Learn how to build a web app with React, Redux and Firestore from beginning to publishing

HIGHEST RATED, 4.8 (836 ratings), Created by Neil Cummings,  English [Auto-generated]


*** Re-recorded and fully up to date as at June 2019***

Do you want to learn React and Redux in the context of building a complete application?   Do you want to learn about Firestore, the new Database offering from Google that provides 'live data' to our application?  Are you the type of learner who gets most out of actually building an application rather than watching endless slides about how something is supposed to work?  If so then this course is for you!

In this course we build a complete application from start to finish. 

Every line of code is demonstrated and explained.  We warm up by building a CRUD application in React, we then enhance it by adding Redux and following that we add in Firestore to provide the persistence layer for the application.

Here are just some of the things you will learn about in this course:

Setting up the developer environment

Creating a React application using the create-react-app utility from Facebook

Login and Register functionality using Firebase authentication

Adding social login for Facebook and Google into the application

Google maps and Places autocomplete integration

Photo uploading using drag and drop, with resizing and cropping of the images before upload

Adding a live chat system

Paging, Sorting and Filtering with Firestore
Infinite scroll for the pagination

Firestore database design

Creating reusable form components with Redux forms

Building a great looking application with Semantic UI

Many more things as well

Tools you need for this course

In this course all lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio Code, a free (and really good) cross platform code editor.  You can of course use your preferred IDE or Code editor of choice and any operating system you like... well as long as it's either Max OSX, Windows or Linux.

Is this course for you?

This course is extremely practical.  About 90% of our time is spent actually building the application.  If you are the type of person who gets the most out of learning 'by doing', then this course will be for you.

Please note that we do not start from zero coding knowledge.   Whilst this is aimed at beginner/intermediate level, you will need to have some basic javascript knowledge (not a lot is needed) or if you are coming from another programming language then you should be fine with this course.  It's designed to take you from beginner level to having the skills to build a much more significant application.

What do we do on this course

We are building a social events application, much like Facebook events or Meetup.   Building a social application gives us opportunity to build more than just a simple CRUD application.