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The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced!

The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced!
The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced!, Udemy Free Discount, Learn Python with projects covering game & web development, web scraping, MongoDB, Django, PyQt, and data visualization!

4.2 (8,518 ratings), Created by Joseph Delgadillo, Nick Germaine, English


What you'll learn

  • Install Python
  • Setup an IDE
  • Use programming fundamentals to build a calculator
  • Use advanced Python concepts to code a RPG
  • Find additional packages to expand the functionality of Python
  • Install essential modules
  • Code an app for web scraping
  • Create a NoSQL database using PyMongo
  • Create web apps using
  • Django web server setup
  • Live troubleshooting

If you want to get started programming in Python, you are going to LOVE this course! This course is designed to fully immerse you in the Python language, so it is great for both beginners and veteran programmers! Learn Python as Nick takes you through the basics of programming, advanced Python concepts, coding a calculator, essential modules, creating a "Final Fantasy-esque" RPG battle script, web scraping, PyMongo, WebPy development, Django web framework, GUI programming, data visualization, machine learning, and much more!

We are grateful for the great feedback we have received!

"This course it great. Easy to follow and the examples show how powerful python can be for the beginner all the way to the advanced. Even if the RPG may not be your cup of tea it shows you the power of classes, for loops, and others!"

"Good course even for non-programmers too."

"It's really well explained, clear. Not too slow, not too fast."

"Very thorough, quick pace. I'm learning A TON! Thank you :)"

"Good explanation, nice and easy to understand. Great audio and video quality. I have been trying to get into Python programming for some time; still a long way to go, but so far so good!"

The following topics are covered in this course:

Programming Basics
Python Fundamentals

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

Web Scraping

PyMongo (MongoDB)

Web Development

Django Web Framework

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Programming (PyQt)

Data Visualization

Machine Learning

This course is fully subtitled in English!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope to see you in the course!